Christmas quiz with Lynne, Craig and Mónica

En este vídeo Craig, Lynne y Mónica hablan sobre la Navidad.


Estas son las preguntas que hace Craig a Lynne y Mónica

  1. Does your family decorate your house over the Christmas period? What sort of decorations do you put up? How many rooms do you decorate?
  2. Is Christmas better in the cold Northern Hemisphere or on a beach in the Southern Hemisphere?
  3. What’s the most annoying Christmas song?
  4. What do you think of the tradition of giving Christmas cards?
  5. How would your family react if you decided to spend the Christmas holiday in another country?
  6. Do you find choosing presents for the opposite sex difficult? In what way?
  7. What do you think will be the most popular electronic gadget given as a gift this year?

Después, Lynne y Mónica compiten en un quiz ayudadas por la audiencia. Mira el vídeo y ve si aciertas a las 20 preguntas del quiz.